F SeamsLikeMagik.com: It seems like.....

Friday, June 06, 2008

It seems like.....

Email Jane at info@seamslikemagik.com

Seams Like Magik
PO Box 462
Ritzville, WA 99169

Telephone (509)492-6246 10AM-10PM PDT

It will seem like we are at the following events this summer:
JUNE 2008
6/18-22 Uprising War, Society for Creative Anachronism, Barony of One Thousand Eyes,
Firth, Idaho http://uprisingwar.org/
6/28-29 Ye Merry Greenwood Faire, Richland, Washington.

JULY 2008
7/3-6 West An Tir War, Society for Creative Anachronism, Gold Beach, OR
7/12 Ritzville Blues Fest, http://www.ritzvilleblues.com/
7/18-20 An Tir Coronation, SCA Barony of Wastekeep, Richland, WA

8/2-3 Washington Renaissance Fantasy Festival, Belfair, Washington
8/9-10 Washington Renaissance Fantasy Festival, Belfair, Washington
8/16-17 Washington Renaissance Fantasy Festival, Belfair, Washington

At one time, we had hoped to be at Denvention 3, the World Science Fiction Convention, in Denver in August. Alas the summer was too full of other fun and it is not to be. sigh. I have very fond memories of not sleeping and having loads of fun during Denvention 2. Does anyone else remember the splash the Front Range L-5 Society made at D2?

I haven't really quit whining about not seeing Adam Baldwin in April but I bucked up and packed up and busked up and went to the Utah Renaissance Faire and Fantasy Festival, fondly known as the URFFFFFFFFF. Country Rhoades and the Henna Grrrrlzzz were there to entertain and delight (and feed me). It was my first year at this two-week faire and their first year in a lovely rural location. Above and to the right are several of the many people who left the faire in our garb. You people are making it hard for me to keep the racks stocked and I love you all for it!

But the weather in Utah!!! Wind, rain, dry, more wind, thunder. Monday morning, the Faire looked like this.

One of my friends has suggested our motto should be "We have STUFF" and we do. Here I am selling stripy over-the-knee socks (from Basketman). Come see our fairy skirts and wings, pirate hats, viking helms, boots, fans, cavalier hats, parasols and more. Plus new cloaks every week, Irish dresses, chemises, long Tudor gowns, pants, skirts and pirate shirts. Well, mostly every week. Sometimes I get tired :)

Last week, we ventured over to Port Gamble for another new event (for us) - June Faire. Although it is definitely a medieval faire, the young man at the top of this page, sporting one of our parasols, seems to have stepped straight out of Steampunk. June Faire was also on a new site with all of the usual things. Sharon worked like a trooper but says she still had fun - thank you Sharon!!! And Mike and Anne popped over on Sunday and helped with breaks and loadout - thank you thank you! Whew, what a job. I was ready to sleep when I got home and I did! Could we have some summer weather pretty soon? I am really glad I got a new sub-zero sleeping bag.
Hope to see you soon