F SeamsLikeMagik.com: Once Upon a Time in the West

Friday, September 07, 2007

Once Upon a Time in the West

Seams Like Magik Schedule
9/14-16 Nan Desu Kan, Anime Convention, Denver, Colorado. http://www.ndk.cc/
9/21-23 MountainCon, Salt Lake City, UT http://mountaincon.org/
9/28-30 Great Plains Renaissance Festival, Wichita, Kansas, http://www.greatplainsrenfest.com/


10/6-7 River Cade Kingdom of Riverssance, Sioux City Renaissance Festival, Sioux City Iowa http://www.river-cade.com/riverssance.cfm

10/26-28 MileHiCon Science Fiction Convention, Denver, Colorado. http://milehicon.org/


11/16-18 Orycon Science Fiction Convention, Portland, Oregon . http://www.orycon.org/


Watch this space for mail-order specials in December and January !

So I was over on the other side of the mountains, within spitting distance of Puget Sound, and imagine this - it rained. On the other hand, the Washington Renaissance Fantasy Faire (aka Gig Harbor Ren Faire) was mostly dry with moderate temperatures during the day. Nights were definitely on the chilly side, in the 40's. Note to self - take bed warmer with you next year.
Has it ever occurred to you that the westernmost points of the USofA are the closest points to the Far East? sigh. We are so very Eurocentric. But hey - the Euro clothes during the Renaissance were to die for. Forget Manolos, give me beaded and embroidered European - any European - court dress any day. Not to say that Asian court dress was anything but scrumptious during the same period. What's not to love with silks, satins, brocades and gemstones?
My favorite Lizz (moms have these prejudices) came up from Corvallis to help and brought the helpful, well-dressed and useful Nik (shown above). Joyce drove in from Montana and worked hard throughout the Faire - please come back next year Joyce! Lela and Jeanine helped out and Jeanine brought a crew to help pull down wet canvas after the Faire was over. Thanks to all of you. And thanks to Elna and Bob and Arlene and Dave for showers and battery recharges. Did you know marine batteries can be used for sewing machines but not ironing?

WRFF is full of wondrous things and creatures. We were next to the Pirates - Boom! - and were delighted to see them do their stuff. I love cannons as much as the next girl, but I will admit they are raaather loud when you are only a few feet away. Many friends and acquaintances stopped by for chat, hugs and new wardrobes. And I made new friends. And the kilts! Ohmyohmy - I helped men in and out of kilts and accoutrements for three wonderful weekends. I just love our Kommando Kilts.
The Faire periodically sent around a tax collector and Brute with a large chest. He was very .... brutish and leathery with metal and studs and wearing black and well... brutish. I tried to get hauled off for non-payment of taxes but my subtle (LOL) ploys were all in vain. All that lovely brute strength came in handy when he came back to help tear down and load up - thanks and come back anytime.

At night I saw some spectacular meteorites and had some scrumptious seafood. The local produce stand had cherries, peaches, tomatoes, artichokes, blueberries and a wonderful vanilla melon. Stella at Pappa Thorir's next to me provided some much needed coffee one morning. We all feasted on turkey legs and roasted corn one night, delivered right to our pavilion and very yummy. Then there were crepes, sarsaparilla, lattes delivered in our time of need and I think I remember OD'ing on Ben and Jerry's at some point. So many pleasures to be found at one Faire.
Fabric is so much fun! It can be even more fun when a person finds just the garb to make them feel like royalty. This photo pretty much sums up why I do what I do. WRFF was fabulous. The merchant coordinator is a delight to work with and very well organized. Okay, I can't resist. Yes Santa there is a Virginia. And I can't imagine WRFF without her.
Don't forget the contest - see rules below.