F SeamsLikeMagik.com: The Merry Month of May

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Merry Month of May

Hmmmm, got interrupted by "things" and didn't get this posted before I left for Conduit, but here it is anyway.

It's May and according to the song I should be out gathering ... mmmm you know ... whatever. Instead, my life has recently been disrupted by plumbing problems. To think that a superior sewer like myself should have to halt her life to get a sewer fixed! (groan) Unfortunately the line from the house to the main need to be replaced. Fortunately, it wasn't very far and not very deep. Unfortunately they couldn't start for several days - Monday afternoon. Fortunately that gave me a guilt-free (well mostly) excuse to spend a weekend away from home without working. Once again I was welcomed to my home-away-from-home in the Tri-Cities - thanks guys! We took the opportunity to watch some Firefly and cheer for the Hero of Canton and ogle Captain Tight-pants.
Saturday was spent at the Desert Fiber Arts Spin-In. I had a wonderful time - potluck lunch with tasty treats, lots of kinds of fiber/wool/spinning things and many spinning wheels. I practiced and am becoming uh maybe not proficient but "better" at making thread from wool with my drop spindle. I think my favorite for the day was watching flax spun into thread on an antique linen wheel. sigh. Someday I will be able to do that. I also bought some scrumptious fibers to try out, resisted buying some of everything I wanted, and am making plans to try out the inkle loom with some of my own yarns. Resistance was only possible because no camel fiber was for sale.

Next I made a flying trip to Portland for Mothers' Day before going home to watch them trench my driveway to find the sewer line. The Columbia River Gorge was lovely - probably the loveliest time of year - all green and budding and blooming. The wind was howling up the Gorge and slowed me down a bit but couldn't stop the sunshine and beautiful vistas.
Turns out the old line had a z-shape. Interesting but not something I recommend you try at home.

Back in Ritzville the weather has turned beautiful. I am sorry to have to admit that my productivity has suffered. Well I would be sorry if I weren't so happy to have warm sunshine! I step onto the porch to check the weather and end up spending a couple of hours cleaning up and planting in my yard. I mean to go back in and sew. Honest! But the sun and greenery beckons from beyond. I love spring and summer! There is still a lot of work to do but my yard is starting to take shape out there. Many thanks to the Thrivent volunteers who came and helped with weed pulling and whacking.

The other wonderful thing about spring and summer is fresh food! I am living near the asparagus capital of the USA and am able to buy it by the side of the road. Asparagus is soooo easy to roast. Just snap the tough bottoms off, rinse the stalks and lay them in a single layer in an oven-safe pan with at least low sides aka roasting pan. Drizzle infused olive oil over it - my favorite is cilantro or maybe rosemary. Possibly garlic. For more yumminess, crumble feta cheese on top of the asparagus before roasting. Roast/bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 350 F. This is done when you can poke the asparagus with a fork. I like mine somewhat al dente, if by any chance you ever roast some for me. Serve hot or cold. Roasted asparagus makes a tasty snack and adds flavor to salads anytime. Now I'm hungry!

No new photos to post but here is the link to photos of the wedding I kept telling you I was working on - http://homepage.mac.com/cvinson2/charlescat/. Very lovely and the fabrics are so sumptuous. Thanks to Cat and Charlie and photographer Cara Vinson for letting me share these photos.

Now I need to go finish up a few things to ship tomorrow. And sort out things for Conduit. And deliver some skirts. And load for Conduit. Oops - let's not forget to review the Corsetry 101 presentation and make sure the laptop and backup file are ready to go.
See you all soon!