F SeamsLikeMagik.com: Mountain Daylight Time

Monday, February 04, 2008

Mountain Daylight Time


2/15-17 RadCon, Pasco, WA http://radcon.org/news.php
2/19-22 Vancouver, BC FUN FUN FUN

MARCH 2008
3/13-16 Anime Oasis Nana, Boise, ID http://www.animeoasis.org/
3/19-23 Norwescon, Seattle, WA http://www.norwescon.org/
3/28-30 Sakura-Con, Seattle, WA http://sakuracon.org/index.php

APRIL 2008
4/ 18-20 Starfest, Media Science Fiction Convention, Denver CO http://www.starland.com/

Somewhere along the way I missed updates on some of the cons I did last fall. After NDK and Spamalot, I headed west to Salt Lake City for Mountain Con. For this trip I rented a Uhaul trailer, smaller than my trailer, which allowed me to leave all the camping equipment, RenFaire clothes and pavilion parked in Denver. Yay for better gas mileage. On the way over the plug for the trailer worked loose and wore itself out on the pavement in Wyoming. So there I was in Rock Springs, replacing the plug and cursing the wiring. The good news is - I had the parts, the tools and the knowhow and I did the replacement myself in maybe 30 minutes! A far cry from my first trip ever with the trailer, stuck in Rawlins, Wyoming trying to find parts and assistance. Or on the way to Anime Oasis last year, with the parts and some of the tools, not quite sure what to do, but rescued by a knight of the road. See, even I can learn.

Driving through Wyoming, I was listening to "Bold Spirit" by Linda Hunt. This is an amazing story. Do you realize that in 1896 Helga Estby and her daughter walked, yes walked, from Spokane Washington to Salt Lake City and then on to New York City? The most astonishing part of the tale is her family's reaction to the story and the eventual rediscovery of their adventure. I listened to accounts of how many pairs of shoes they wore out as they followed the railroad tracks across Wyoming, while I drove past those very same tracks. What an appropriate choice for this trip.

MountainCon highlights - Gareth Wang and "Done the Impossible". When "Star Trek Voyager" first aired, the planets aligned for me and it is one of the very few TV serials that I have seen in sequence when new. So Janeway, Chakotay and crew have a special place in my heart. Ensign Kim has aged wonderfully well and it made me quite tingly all over to see him. Remember if it rhymes with rang it's wrong.

Do any of the rest of you have nearly uncontrollable impulses when you see Storm Troopers? I always want to do "knock knock is anyone there?" on their armor. But I am thinking that may not be a good idea. Do Storm Troopers have a sense of humor?

The maker of "Done the Impossible" was also around all weekend and I bought an autographed copy and a couple of gift items. (Watched when I got back to Denver and loved it!!!!) Question for the day: Where is the nearest Shindig? Question for tomorrow: Can I go? Other weekend highlights were seeing folks I met at Conduit, chatting and having a good time with my hosts Mary and Dave. When we loaded out, the rain came down! Naturally there wasn't room to park under the roof cover and we had to stand in the water and load the trailer. Mary labeled this the "loadout from hell", but that is because she wasn't with me a few weeks later in Iowa. More on that later maybe.

Final advice: Evil cheesy corn is hard to find in some stores so buy it when you find it. Paula and Michael started this and I wish I knew how to finish it!