F SeamsLikeMagik.com: Into the Great Wide Open

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Into the Great Wide Open

Seams Like Magik Schedule


10/26-28 MileHiCon Science Fiction Convention, Denver, Colorado. http://milehicon.org/org/
11/16-18 Orycon Science Fiction Convention, Portland, Oregon . http://www.orycon.org/n.org/
11/30 Poetry contest ends. Contest rules in 8/1/07 posting, "Gig Harbor Is the Place To Be"
Watch this space for mail-order specials in December and January !

Here I am, home in Ritzville for a brief time, with lots to do in that time. Since my last post, the van (mka Earnest) and I have covered nearly 4,000 miles, did four events in four states, got rained on more than once and had some adventures! And now it is time to share some of the adventure, one event, maybe one week at a time.

I got up early to leave Ritzville, really I did, at 5 AM omg, first stop Denver and NanDesuKan. I have developed an appetite for audio books (it's Odan's fault, I mean thanks Odan) and am trying some new things when I drive. I choose things at the library which I would not ordinarily read, with mixed results so far. For the first leg of this trip it was "I Am the Messenger" by Markus Zusak, set in an Australian city, wonderful imagery, very strange, exceptionally strong voice, somewhat disturbing yet uplifting, highly recommend.

On the way through Montana, I picked up some caramels. Please note this was not a stop, more like drive-by looting. I did some horsetrading with my cousin, who works at Bequet caramels, near Bozeman. My reward was a restock on my supply of yummy caramels. Check out http://www.bequetconfections.com/ for chipotle caramel or Celtic sea salt caramel. Yes they ship these. I am going to try and have some at MileHiCon and Orycon so you can do the taste test yourself. Thanks Greg and Pam!

My plan was to stop in Casper for the night, but there were no rooms at the inns, there or in Douglas. I finally crashed at a rest area for a few hours before heading into Denver. Thanks to Bonnie and Bill, I had a place to stay, plus they had several shipments of new "stuff" for me, including geta and tabi. And Kaia picked up new dresses and fabulous new short Chinese jackets in golds and greens so we had plenty to tempt you at NDK. As you can see, Natalie was unable to resist one of the new import yukata to wear with her custom corset. Kaia and Natalie - you are awesome!

NDK, what can I say? I had a new silk kimono jacket to wear, and lots of new kimono for all of you. It was wonderful, I hugged many friends, we sold all kinds of stuff, I found some time to play during the Con (oooh, v fun), got fed by Fred and John, learned many interesting things from Scott (let's talk again soon!) and in general thoroughly enjoyed and wore myself out. These are two of the many people Seams Like Magik dressed at NDK. I love my clients - you are all so much fun! Uhh, just in case you are wondering, no we didn't take pictures of the people we undressed. At least I didn't. Did you Natalie? Kaia, was it you? Nope, see, no evidence exists. What happens at Seams Like Magik stays at Seams Like Magik.

But what would a con be without Men in Kilts? These two are from Anime Central (http://www.acen.org/) in Chicago and as you can see, they indulged one of my passions. What nice people! Aww who cares if they were nice, they wore kilts. What great guys in kilts! Thanks for being such good sports. I can't believe you let me do that.

If any of you out there want to work for me at Anime Central email me at info@seamslikemagik.com . If I can find enough staff I am going. Sure it's a long way but it would be an adventure.

Next on my sked - SPAMALOT!!!!!! There are not sufficient punctuation marks to describe how much fun this was. Old skits melded together, new songs, Las Vegas glitter - I laughed until it hurt. Good friends to share the fun with, this night had it all.

Life is full of surprises, not all of them good. But sometimes, surprises are fabulous and we get calls from those we least expect, out of place and out of time. You know who you are - thanks. See you again soon.
Stay tuned for Did the Impossible - went to MountainCon, Salt Lake City. And stop by to visit us at MileHiCon!
