F SeamsLikeMagik.com: Summertime Fun

Monday, June 29, 2009

Summertime Fun

It's summertime and the living is .... well, very busy. Here is our schedule for the next couple of months. Haven't quite figured out all of the logistics yet but I am working on it.

JULY 2009
7/2-5 An Tir West War, SCA, Gold Beach OR
7/17-19 An Tir Coronation, SCA Barony of Three Mountains, Estacada OR
7/22-26 Seadog Nights, Lebanon, OR
7/31-8/2 SpoCon, Spokane, WA http://www.spocon2009.com/

8/1-2 Washington Renaissance Fantasy Festival, Buckley, Washington
8/8-9 Washington Renaissance Fantasy Festival, Buckley, Washington
8/15-16 Washington Renaissance Fantasy Festival, Buckley, Washington

Many thanks to the very wonderful Barony of Thousand Eyes who helped me with many, many things at Uprising. Lady Helen and her lord, Shane, Audrey and Ken - I wouldn't have been there without you. And deep appreciation to Amanda and Mary Jane for their help. Thanks to Aggie and Jen for the turkey meal, and Mani for the fabulous!! dutch oven lasagna and apple cake with scrumptious sauce. Malynda and Phil and little one - we missed you and are very happy for you.

The weather at Uprising was changeable, so there was something for everyone. Some wind, some rain, some cold, some sunshine. Long drive home, barely time to repack and off to Greenwood Faire.

Ye Merry Greenwood Faire was wonderful, as usual. Sometimes we forget how very many hours it takes to stage such a fun and well-organized event. Many thanks to Marjorie and her hardworking staff. They even managed to keep the weather in check! The temperature was 15-20 degrees cooler than last year. Many friends stopped by to say hello and get a hug. The new fans and straw hats were popular and left our booth for new homes. SCA fighters, belly-dancers, Commedia Del Arte and more!! Saturday night we had the traditional dinner at Red Lobster. I am informed by a reliable source that it is now an "ancient" tradition since the first one was more than five years ago. I did get out for walkabout of the Faire on Sunday and picked up a few new Victorian costuming books. My passion for Victoriana is approaching obsession. LOL - I say that like it's a bad thing? Carol and William - thanks for helping and sticking with me for a very long and strenuous load-out.

Hope to see you soon